A sick day... (in Off-topic)

TheHatchetman February 7 2008 1:34 PM EST

Apparently something I ate didn't agree with me... My stomach is in knots, and I decided to call in sick... Conversation with my boss went:

<Boss> Thank you for calling Liberty Tax, Mike speaking.
<Hatcth> Hey Mike, it's Drew. I'm having a bad case of an upset stomach...
<Boss> Ahh, I see. Too much drinking, is that the problem?
<Hatcth> I doubt it. I haven't gotten drunk in a couple weeks...
<Boss> Well maybe that's the problem. Maybe ya gotta start drinking at night
<Hatcth> I don't know, maybe.
<Boss> So you won't make it today?
<Hatcth> Not today man, sorry.
<Boss> Not a problem. We call you with less notice than this when someone else doesn't show up.
<Hatcth> Alright man, thanks.
<Boss> Feel better, and we'll see ya tomorrow.

My boss is cool.

drudge February 7 2008 1:35 PM EST

ur name is drew; im gonna identity theft you son!

Frost February 7 2008 1:39 PM EST

i wish i could do that. Whenever i get sick i gotta find a replacement by myself

TheHatchetman February 7 2008 1:44 PM EST

That's what I did last year when I knew most of the wavers well enough to bother getting their phone numbers :P
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