Can anyone figure this out? (in Off-topic)

TheHatchetman February 11 2008 8:45 PM EST

This morning, I tried logging onto CB at about quarter to four in the morning (server time). I got the same page I get when the site's down or my internet isn't working. But any other website I tried was working... I tried again at 5 am, 6am, and 7am before going to bed. Same thing. Everything works, except for CB. When I woke up at 2pm, I tried again. Still nothing, but everything else was still working. Tried again at 3pm, still nothing. Went to work. Got home, tried again, all is well. My computer had not restarted, nothing (to my knowledge) had changed on my end. But people looked at me like I had three heads when I asked how long CB had been back up for, claiming it had never been down.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out how this happened, and how to fix it, should it happen again...

Xenko February 11 2008 9:38 PM EST

A wild guess would be that there was some update/problem with the DNS server you access and that prevented you from accessing CB. And eventually it finished updating/was fixed and all was fine again. Maybe try accessing the IP address directly next time?

Xenko February 11 2008 9:39 PM EST

You can also check the forums at to see if anyone else has reported CB being down in the "Carnage Blender Downtime News" board.

QBJohnnywas February 12 2008 3:25 AM EST

It was down for me too!!! And when I finally was able to log in, it was like I had imagined it!!! Nobody else seemed to have noticed. So I thought it was a problem at my end.

Looks like it wasn't!
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