Chimera's - Introducing MechWarrior to CB (in General)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 14 2008 11:50 AM EST

I used to play a text-based game called... something... can't quite remember.
But anyway; in the game there were only the same 5 people at any given time, I swear they spent 20-23hrs in that game.
But anyway; in the game there was a certain valuable item, called a 'Chimera'.
To get a Chimera; you had to spend around 7-9hrs trying to make them.
The process went something like this:
1. Spend 5hrs mining ore
2. Spend 1-2hrs forging the ore
3. Spend 30mins - 1hr combining the things you made until you got a Chimera.
4.It doesn't always work... go back to steps 1, 2, and 3 until you got one.

Well; they were the most valuable item in the game. Self-explanatory why...
Chimera's are made from Scrap Dragons, Scrap Dragons are made from Scraps; and Scraps are made from ore.
Chimera's look like BattleMech's from the MechWarrior game, and they fall apart over time. Only catch is, once you put it together, and it falls apart, you can't put it together again.
I think we could skip steps 1 and 2, but say have Chimera's take up the tat slot.
Oh, before I forget, Chimera's fire Missiles, MiniGun's and have Saws.
And before I forget something else; 4 scrap's make 1 Scrap Dragon, 2 Scrap Dragon's make one Chimera.
I don't exactly know how to incorporate this into the game; but Jon is smart, he'll figure it out ;)
Thanks for reading my rant that will never be incorporated into the game.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 14 2008 11:57 AM EST

Oh, yeah, the point to them is; Cash sink!
I suppose it would be a good idea to be able to upgrade the Missile's, and get a sharper Saw. ;)
How about they fall apart after 6 months?
Naming adds another month.
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