I started a new NCB character and was wondering about WA how does this work and what affect does it have?
The Weapon Allowance is the maximum Net Worth of the weapons you can equip on your character before it makes your PR start to rise. Generally, it's advisable to stay under, but close to, this cap.
The Weapon Allowance can be approximated by taking the total amount of XP trained on your character and multiplying it by 1.695.
So, say you have 345k XP trained total on your character. Your Weapon Allowance would then allow you to equip one weapon up to $584,775 NW without adding anything to your PR. If you have one melee weapon and one ranged weapon, for example, you their net worths are added before being compared to the Weapon Allowance.
There is always this link
Weapon NW Allowance under weapons in help :)
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