Dispel Magic (in New players)

Jake the Snayke February 23 2008 1:52 AM EST

Does a base DM do anything good?
Such as a base protection does but would a base dm do anything or would much xp have to go into it

Wizard'sFirstRule February 23 2008 3:07 AM EST

a base DM stops a base prot, or at least weaken one, but doesn't really do much else. I guess it can't hurt, but I think AMF or EC with XP is more useful. -100 on AS and stuff doesn't do enough.

a base prot works because prot prevents a % of damage. at 100k MPR, a base prot prevents 4% of like 2k damage. at 1m MPR, a base prot prevents 4% of like 200k damage.
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