Worn Tattoo levels up on its own, wasn't so always (in General)

chuck1234 February 23 2008 12:29 PM EST

I distinctly remember a few months ago the tattoo worn on my character increased its level only when I trained the exp. However, nowadays, at least since a few weeks ago, I notice that the worn tattoo gains level through the fights, without having to train the exp.

Have we missed out on this "insignificant" change?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 23 2008 12:36 PM EST

always was this way, tat's train when flush comes around or you unequip

Relic February 23 2008 12:41 PM EST

Tats train as exp is gained. There is no waiting for training, cache flush or anything else.
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