help (in General)

Cube February 23 2008 1:58 PM EST

Okay, well I created an NCB before realizing that I had posted a rental on my previous character. Well the rental is set to last for a month, so.. Thus, I can not retire my previous character and receive the 10Ba refresh rate. Thus, I recieve the 8Ba refresh rate without the bonus to rewards if I'm correct. Could someone help me out here or is my NCB severely messed up? Any chance an Admin can change the origin of the rental?

Cube February 23 2008 1:59 PM EST

Well, I just thought of a solution I think, I could untrain and retrain my previous character until it's VPR is in the 10 Ba refresh rate. I'd rather not do this, but if there's no other way I guess I'll have to. I'll wait for a response before doing this.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 23 2008 2:00 PM EST

just fire minions...

Cube February 23 2008 2:01 PM EST

Okay, then problem solved. Thanks.
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