Auction Buff (in General)

8DEOTWP February 29 2008 1:49 PM EST

My knowledge of coding is gloomy after HTML :D, so if this is a terrible thing to add make sure to flame. Anyways,
I was thinking that we could add an option to auctions to allow adding some amount of information.
Ex. "Largest Tulwar in the game."
"Free naming with Buy Now option."

Of course, having the option to turn these on or off will allow anyone to keep auctions 'original.'
Factors like the amount of characters, subject allowed, and etc. could be explained in the same fashion Networth and Bid are explained. Please share your opinions!

AdminLamuness February 29 2008 2:02 PM EST

Nay. Let's keep auctions "advertisement" free. Besides, I don't think Jon would like to clutter the database of past auction items with the extra text. I'd say, if you're going to be adding extra information as such, just keep it in FS/WTB forums.

8DEOTWP February 29 2008 2:14 PM EST

Would adding how much the item sells for to the store cause the same problem (to a lesser degree)?

AdminLamuness February 29 2008 2:38 PM EST

That, I don't think would be a problem. Since that information already exists. You can tell because the information is displayed to you in the dropdown box on the Equip page.

Lord Bob February 29 2008 2:52 PM EST

"I'd say, if you're going to be adding extra information as such, just keep it in FS/WTB forums."

Agreed. Extra stuff like that is what the forums are for.
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