Forger Needed. 72% fee. (in Services)

Wizard'sFirstRule March 7 2008 12:23 AM EST

I need a few forgers that are willing to wait a little on my payments.
Mage Shield:+30 to +40 or 45
BoNE: PTH +44 to +100
a few points on my armors. Adam/TG/AoM(maybe)

for the truely brave, my HoE!!! (I know the standard rate is 101% on the HoE, but I only pay 72% still)

As said before:
72% forging fee, up to 2 week payment. At which point, I will arrange a loan to repay you first (and I pay the interest on the loan - hopefully I won't need to do that)

*the part about the HoE is a joke, but everything else is serious.
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