Explanation Please (in General)

Organ Doughner [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 11 2008 9:24 PM EDT

Flaming Cookie's Fireball hit minion 1 [8494], minion 2 [12291]
Flaming Cookie's Fireball hit minion 1 [8292], minion 2 [13083]
Flaming Cookie's Fireball hit minion 1 [9081], minion 2 [9488]

This was me vs Guneva which belongs to SolBG. His first minion has 118 AC which lowers my damage but his second minion has 0. Does the spread work like this? I mean, there is an increase in the damage but barely. Some clarification would be nice :).

Yukk March 11 2008 9:25 PM EDT

Well, in the first two rounds the damage is 50% more on the second minion.
Don't forget there is a lot of randomness.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 11 2008 9:26 PM EDT

that's a 1/4 increase in damage, which is what you can expect to see from that much of and AC difference

Organ Doughner [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 11 2008 9:27 PM EDT

yea, i see now.

tasuki [UFC] March 11 2008 9:29 PM EDT

and remember, only the "+" from AC is applied to magic damage. also the minion wearing the ToE get 50% of tattoo level in damage reduction while the rest of the team gets 40%
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