my strategy (in General)

choco coco March 15 2008 12:01 AM EDT

I'm thinking of an IF as damage dealer, AC Wall with no hp, PL wall, and 2 enchanters. (AMF EC DM?)

Kong Ming March 15 2008 12:06 AM EDT

What's the point of having an AC wall with no HP? And with no AS to support?

choco coco March 15 2008 12:09 AM EDT

I know that made no sense at all, i've been deprived of sleep this enchanter wearing IF and AoI, (will it change familiar position too?) and wall

choco coco March 15 2008 12:11 AM EDT

Or maybe just all AS

Kong Ming March 15 2008 12:11 AM EDT

I believe the enchanter will be in front and the IF behind it. Better train HP on the wall or else what do you do with all that experience gained?

Kong Ming March 15 2008 12:13 AM EDT

In order for this to work you need the IF to survive to melee which means surviving 5 ranged rounds. So better get either evasion on one of the minions or else high AC wall with HP trained plus a PL battery to support the AC wall.

choco coco March 15 2008 12:56 AM EDT

This is what I have now:

Minion 1: Evasion only, wearing IF

Minion 2: AMF only

Minion 3: AS only
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