Mageseeker question (in General)

Ulord[NK] March 16 2008 2:45 PM EDT

Level Raw level Effect Raw effect
Fireball 3,578,369 3,313,305 525,781 486,834

Nimble Body lvl 3,560,007

Nimble Body is an SF with no other dd boosting items equipped with a spell level smaller than the effective level of my fireball. So why is mageseeker still hitting my familiar first?

I tested against Soxjr for this one, using the equipment I have on right now. Can anyone have a look at this for me? Is this a bug? Thanks.

Soxjr March 16 2008 2:59 PM EDT

I just fought you and I'm hitting bristleback first. Not your familiar.

Ulord[NK] March 16 2008 3:03 PM EDT

yeah i figured it out. it's because of naming. I can beat you now, but i lose other people off my list :/ (rented a bigger pair of AG and just got over the needed level).
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