Help a good cause, win a little CB in the process! (in Contests)

{cb1}dyno March 27 2008 12:24 AM EDT

Hello everyone,

It's certainly been awhile since I've visited the CB community. It was refreshing to see so many familiar faces still plugging away. I certainly had a great time during my stay in the CB world.

Unfortunately, I come with not the best of news. Allow me to explain my situation.

Last Friday, I received a call from my dad back in Chicago, to give me an update on my stepmother's diagnosis from her doctor. A few weeks earlier, she tripped over our cat and took a fall, and although she went in just for a routine check-up, they found a few things that weren't right. After numerous tests, they concluded that she had multiple sclerosis, more commonly referred to as MS.

Although they caught it in very early stages, it's still a shock. She's never shown any symptoms or indications that she would end up getting it, so none of us were prepared for the news. Being 1000 miles away makes it that much more difficult, leaving me with a feeling of inability to do much support.

However, after doing some research, and with the luck of some good timing, the Admissions staff (I'm an Admission Ambassador at my college) will be doing the MS Walk in Boston on April 13th, less than 3 weeks away. That being the case, I plan to bend over backwards to do as much fundraising as possible to help her and all others with MS fight against the disease.

This is where you come in. Although I'm currently your posterchild for the poor college student, I will be happy to match every dollar donated with 5 cents of my own. Words cannot express my gratitude if you're able to donate to this cause.

The way to donate is through a personal page that I have set up at . It's very well-organized, and should provide for easy instructions as to how to go about making your donation. I've currently set my goal at $2,000.00, but would really like to go above and beyond it, so please, if you have any friends or family who would be interested in helping fight MS, please forward this to them!

If you have any questions or comments, my phone number is (630) 673-2185, or you can reach me by e-mail at .

So here's what makes this a contest: For every 10 dollars you donate, I will give you a raffle ticket. My characters have racked up about 650,000 CB since I've been gone, and at the end of the donation period, one person whose name I pick out will get the money to the character of their choice.

If only one person donates, I know that this will have been a successful plea for help. There's a saying that goes "You miss 100% of the shots you never take", and I've taken that as a motto in this situation, reaching out to every community I'm either a part of or have been a part of in the past.

Once you donate, chatmail me the name you put it under, and I'll set aside your tickets.

Thank you for your time.

dyno (cb1 forever)
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