alisa/ Kong Ming deal (in Public Record)

Kong Ming March 27 2008 4:31 AM EDT

She is going to instant her ToA to my SF at a rate of 25% of nw difference.

My SF: A Steel Familiar lvl 1,546,151 28,045,494

Please confirm.

alisa [The Forgehood] March 27 2008 2:12 PM EDT


my tatoo is lvl 1,034,885 NW 18,775,210..
so 25% will be CB$ 2,317,571..

will be sending the money and ToA now..

alisa [The Forgehood] March 27 2008 2:13 PM EDT

alisa (alisa) Kong Ming (The Quest) $2317571 -- insta-up 2:13 PM EDT
alisa (alisa) Kong Ming (The Quest) A Tattoo of Augmentation ($18775210) -- insta-up 2:13 PM EDT

Kong Ming March 27 2008 5:31 PM EDT

SF sent.
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