cool. (in General)

tasuki [UFC] April 2 2008 1:44 PM EDT

Refreshing now keeps you at the same page instead of taking you to main page.

Sickone April 2 2008 2:03 PM EDT

Are you sure it's not just some hidden feature you discovered in your browser ? Because I'm on IE7 and just about any refresh of a window with the sidebar on brings me to the home page instead of wherever I was before...

tasuki [UFC] April 2 2008 2:31 PM EDT

hmm... maybe it is the redirect prevention feature I installed on firefox last night. Totally forgot about it.

That's probably it. Never mind, move along, nothing to see here.


tasuki [UFC] April 2 2008 4:59 PM EDT

hmm. I haven't made any setting changes to firefox or the firefox add-ons. But refresh now takes me to the main page...

TELL me I'm not going CRAZY.
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