The final Result (in Contests)

TheHatchetman April 5 2008 12:22 AM EDT

I ran a small Contest a little while back, awarding 100k to the person with the closest guess to the final level of my tat at the end of the NCB period. The results are in!

On February 24th, it was:
Wakhan lvl 2,292,638 41,580,790.

As of now (basically the end of my NCB), it is:
Wakhan lvl 3,706,230 67,212,031

With a guess of 3,697,325, the winner is CrazyNic!!!

Ulord[NK] April 5 2008 12:24 AM EDT

That's one fine tatt right there. Congrats Hatch. Gonna start a new ncb?

TheHatchetman April 5 2008 12:52 AM EDT

Soon enough, I'll be starting a char to pool up some money with sticking around 100% CB, until I get my gear fixed where I want it, then I'll likelyattempt a dry run (not purchasing BA and getting the discounted minions) at an NCB to see about where my strat will still stand on a slightly lower level. Then, once I save up 40m, and have a lender willing to spot me (or a decent enough job, as a recent one fell through, to buy) another 30m when I need a minion, I'm making my run for the top 5 baby! :D

BluBBen April 5 2008 3:11 AM EDT

Congratulations on a really nice tattoo.

ActionAction April 5 2008 4:03 AM EDT

Go Hatcher :P. Now you're beating my poor Tattoo :(. Off the top of my head, I can only currently think of two others who have gotten their tattoo to such high levels recently: Ulord, and ZRVT :3.

ActionAction April 5 2008 4:08 AM EDT

Actually, I lied. I forgot about Talion's wonderful IF :D.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 5 2008 6:19 AM EDT

back in my day *shakes his cane* we used to pay vast sums of money for such things... darn kids get everything easy...

bring me some prunes...

TheHatchetman April 5 2008 11:36 AM EDT

Yeah, Forsaken, as expected, I managed to pass Talion's tat right before my NCB ended, so I ended as the 21st largest tat ^_^

Then, just like I expected, Talion passed me right back up by spending his first set of BA after my bonus was gone :P
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