Ok, so I got a botcheck, entered the word, and got a server error. Now all my fights yield the "Didn't I say..." message, so I can't clear the botcheck. In about 1 minute I'm about to get blocked from BA, all during XP time.........
Ok, someone fixed the botcheck... but I'm still banned from fighting.....
April 5 2008 1:33 PM EDT
Happened to me a lot too lately.
The strangest thing though, for the past 3 occurences, I am 99.99% sure I was trying to fight the character "Metallic Maid" at the exact moment it started happening.
Not only that, but now I can still inspect other chars, yet that specific char's inspect page returns the usual panic page:
"Server Error
The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server.
AOLserver/4.5.0 on http://www.carnageblender.com/"
Sounds like something a bot would say! :P
April 5 2008 1:34 PM EDT
Well, lately, I just give it 5-10 minutes rest whenever I see that page again, and it sorts itself out eventually ;)
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