Lolll. (in General)

N0seBLeeD April 6 2008 11:32 AM EDT

MtJ has a character (although in a low realm) That is #1 in 11/11 categories. Pwnt? :o

TheHatchetman April 6 2008 12:21 PM EDT

It seems every "generation" of new users has about 10-20 people that don't know their ooty from a hole in the ground and/or aren't interested in the game. Then there's 10-15 or so that are interested, but login extremely sparingly. Finally, there's a small handful of users, usually 1-3, that get a decent start. These usually tend to be the good ones ;) Ironically enough, usually when there's two, one's usually a tank, and the other's a mage, so they have different stats to top out :P

I remember back when I was in the Shire (I've got better memory than any stoner you know ;), and I had the highest FB, Evasion, Protection, DM, HP, score, and MPR, along with almost all stats in single minion column (Though the MPB of someone who changed to FB mage at ~120 MPR isn't all-too-great :P). Meanwhile, Yukk had the highest MPB, ST, DX, Archery, EC, AMF, AS, MPB, PR, and NW. Most battles challenged was a stat we tossed back and forth :P

So congratulations MtJ, and I wish you the best, and hope you plan to take your high scores domination as far as it'll go ^_^

Yukk April 6 2008 12:27 PM EDT

Heck, if you remember all that correctly, then you have a better memory than me by far and I'm not even a stoner.
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