USD rates (in General)

Eccle123 April 7 2008 5:54 AM EDT

Just a quick question, what is the current rate of CB to USD?

lostling April 7 2008 5:54 AM EDT

5-6 per 1mill

Eccle123 April 7 2008 5:56 AM EDT

ok, and is anyone actually buying CB atm? i'm not planning on selling out, i'm just curious

Sickone April 7 2008 5:59 AM EDT

Well, with the latest "encumbrance" changes, the CB$-USD exchange rate might suffer a quick fall, even as low as 2-3 USD per mil... then recover slowly (but probably not get back to 6$/mil any time soon, or at all).

I don't expect many CB$-USD trades in the near future, especially because of that.

Eccle123 April 7 2008 6:00 AM EDT

fair enough. cheers
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