Eggroll supportership deal (in Public Record)

SimplyNic April 9 2008 12:28 PM EDT

Eggroll is paying me 1.3m to buy him supportership.

Please reply to confirm, Eggroll

Eggroll April 9 2008 12:29 PM EDT

yup that right im willing to pay 1.3mil

SimplyNic April 9 2008 12:38 PM EDT

Paid Jon the $10 fee

SimplyNic April 9 2008 12:54 PM EDT

Eggroll (Kyo) CrazyNic (CrazyNic) $1300000 12:39 PM EDT

Eggroll sent me the 1.3 M. Will refund if supportership isn't granted within 36 hours
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