JahRoor and PainKiller deal (in Public Record)

8DEOTWP April 13 2008 9:06 PM EDT

Trading PK my AoAC +19 for his AoM +10.
I am currently renting his AoM, and he will permanently transfer it when it is out of rentals.
I'll send over the AoAC after confirmation. 8D

Wizard'sFirstRule April 13 2008 9:09 PM EDT

confirmed. I don't need it yet. just hold on for another day. If you want to send it over now, send it to my rental guy.

Wizard'sFirstRule April 13 2008 9:12 PM EDT

JahRoor is currently renting the AoM thru rental (last rental), and I will send it when it returns.

Wizard'sFirstRule April 15 2008 8:25 AM EDT

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