Need 8/20 1 minion char w/ enc > 69.5M for testing (in General)

iBananco [Blue Army] April 17 2008 1:34 PM EDT

I'm running some WA PR calculation tests and I need people with chars that satisfy the above and are willing to help me to chatmail me or post here. All that the test entails is me loaning you my bow for an hour, you stripping your char, then equipping just the bow, and reporting the PR/MPR to me. Be sure to train all of your exp before testing.

iBananco [Blue Army] April 17 2008 1:37 PM EDT

Scratch 8/20 and enc requirements. Just need 1 minion. If an admin could fix the title, that'd be great.

AdminLamuness April 17 2008 2:21 PM EDT

1 minion. 8/20. But I'm a mage. Would that matter?

deifeln April 17 2008 3:02 PM EDT

I can do this.

iBananco [Blue Army] April 17 2008 3:21 PM EDT

Shouldn't make a difference, Lam. Alright, next time either of you see me in chat, give me a message and I'll send it over.
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