How to start an NUB or NCB? (in General)

Brakke Bres [Ow man] April 27 2008 9:14 AM EDT

Is there some kind of special tactic, besides the obvious SFBM, to start one?

If I would start one, named base sod, and a lesser toa to start one. At mpr 1 the toa (gives 10 str and 6 dex lvl 20 toa) and the named base weapon do not give mpr or encumb, only the ammo (which is very odd) adds mpr but no encumb. 100 iron shots add 4 mpr 100 exp shot add 8 mpr.

Those base weapons and the lesser ToA are good until you have some exp to dump into dex, str and hp and go roe afterwards.

Any other good tactic to start? (beside the sfbm)

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] April 27 2008 9:18 AM EDT

uc is the best

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] April 27 2008 9:18 AM EDT

with gi/hg that is

QBOddBird April 27 2008 10:45 AM EDT

RD's right, UC + ROBF

Also, save up 1600 BA before you have it sent to you

Additionally, find targets that are easily killable beforehand that will give you 100% from the start. All you need are a few, pump your score up high, then fight a couple guys slightly too tough for you until their score is inflated, train, you can now beat those guys and your 100% list is much larger

Go RoE as soon as you can beat some of those 100% guys without a tattoo
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