Unknown if G or B Idea. (in Off-topic)

Drama [Just for fun] May 4 2008 4:13 PM EDT

I'm not sure if you can always train a Tourny even when there aren't any running. But I was thinking of a same type of Character Bonus the tournament gives, but to try some new strategy, so you could get a faster high mpr character wich as is own BA and money, but can't trade with others.(Like NSB for New Strategic bonus)

Please tell me what you think about it.( I'm sorry if my syntax and grammar is a bit bad, If someone understand well and like the idea, who would rewrite it but in a better syntax, I'd be please.)

If you don't really get what I mean just tell me.


Drama [Just for fun] May 4 2008 4:27 PM EDT

Ah and you would not be able to buy any supporter items, only rent them. For those who would try to take control of the game.

TheHatchetman May 4 2008 4:36 PM EDT

If it was set exactly the way tournies are, this would be awesome... it would create an entirely new tier of CB chars, and for the most part, bar transfers. Then each could have the best of their own world... Can't be number one in Gondor cuz you can't afford the thousands of USD it takes to get there?** Then try being number one in a spot where you can't buy any part of your success with anything other than top strategy... Granted, this change would be entirely un-needed, and it would give admins something else to enforce (the whole transfer through auctions thingy)... But this change inhibits nobody, and can only be enjoyed or ignored... There would have to be no cash bonus, or even a cash penalty on these characters though, otherwise inflation would rapidly become even more an issue than it is currently thought to be... All in all, I like the idea. But it seems like a good bit more work than it's worth while Jiggy still can't junction anything (among other issues :P) quite right...

** note: No, you do not need USD to be competative, only to be number one for any time period longer than an hour :P and no, USD is not by a long shot the only factor that creates a top char... Steroids themselves don't hit home runs ;)

TheHatchetman May 4 2008 4:48 PM EDT

Didn't see the part about rentals :P With rentals in play, it makes the game as easily succeptible to outside interference, creating even more headaches...

Drama [Just for fun] May 4 2008 4:51 PM EDT

I like the cash penalty idea, since this type of character would be there there for originals or serious strategies. And it could make more cb play time for those who may have this time.

Drama [Just for fun] May 5 2008 10:02 AM EDT

Ok well no rentals then.

Drama [Just for fun] May 5 2008 10:03 AM EDT

Only shop items.
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