Fightlist Suggestion (in General)

Paddy Boy May 22 2008 6:09 AM EDT

Maybe I'm just terrible, but I've hit a slow point in my progression.

My fight list is all 100%'s but it's so small I get too impatient to finish my BA when I'm just waking/about to fall asleep, etc.

So I want to suggest a "recently deleted from fightlist" option in the edit fightlist section. Perhaps the last 5 or 10 people you've deleted. Because I'd prefer to take back all my 85%'s than to not burn all my BA.

Anyway... just a suggestion.

Wizard'sFirstRule May 22 2008 6:16 AM EDT

you should still be fine with 100%. you have about 400k more MPR to grow before you have to take lower and lower bonuses.

Yukk May 22 2008 7:03 AM EDT

Rather than deleting people who are not 100%, leave them on your list.
Then, when you are awake, fight the 100% group at the top and when you are in a rush fight as far down your list as you feel like going.

iBananco [Blue Army] May 22 2008 1:57 PM EDT

Whenever I accidentally delete from my list, I use the add characters whom I have recently defeated link.

Paddy Boy May 22 2008 2:53 PM EDT

Yah I thought of that too, JS. I just slowly deleted people as I slowly gained pr, so 'recently defeated' was full of the people that were still on my list. It took me a while to figure that i was better using all 160 BA at 90% average bonus, than only getting thru 50 or so at 100%. I think this has become more of a problem for me because I have been very busy with work, as summer is coming. So I need the good ol days of taking 10 minutes to burn all my BA. Now it just seems to take forever.
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