Having a Problem with CB (in General)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] June 9 2008 1:44 PM EDT

Ok so it seems that I am having some difficulty with CB right now. Earlier this morning I was able to chat and surf around the site perfectly fine. However, I clicked on the "Strat Help" thread by Timmay, and everything froze. So I rebooted.
Once I brought CB back up, though, the sidebar would not load. I didn't even have the option to right click and choose reload frame. So I closed it out, downloaded Firefox 3, thinking it was a problem with my browser, and reopened CB.

Now I have no chat, I have no sidebar, but the homepage opens. I have no clue how to fix it. I don't even know what's wrong. I would really appreciate any help on this matter.

UPDATE: With the help of OB, I am now able to load chat in a separate window. Also, I have the mobile link for my CMs. You can contact me through here, or either of those two methods. Thanks.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] June 9 2008 1:52 PM EDT

Another Update:

On the advice of lostling, I tried using IE instead of FireFox.

It all works in IE. But I hate using IE, so if someone could help me figure out how to fix my Firefox that'd be great.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 9 2008 1:56 PM EDT

Clear your cookies and cache in FF.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] June 9 2008 2:46 PM EDT

Thanks, Nov....

Whatever seemed to be wrong with it is fixed now. :D
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