Sal/SK (in Public Record)

00 June 15 2008 11:07 AM EDT

Im buying his BoM for 700k when it come sout of rentals in 25 days. This serves as a "reminder" of sorts.

winner winner June 15 2008 11:08 AM EDT


winner winner June 15 2008 11:15 AM EDT

buying his char for 1.45m + xfers

00 June 15 2008 11:15 AM EDT

I am also selling my char General Grievous to him for 1.45mil+Xfers. Sending next saturday sometime.

00 June 15 2008 11:15 AM EDT


winner winner June 15 2008 7:59 PM EDT

I'm loaning my tat over for until next saturday and Sal will lvl it for me

winner winner June 15 2008 8:03 PM EDT

SK (Item Storage) Salvatore (Greneral Grievous) An Ice Familiar ($5309548) 8:03 PM EDT

winner winner June 21 2008 6:52 AM EDT

SK (Item Storage) Salvatore (Greneral Grievous) $2000000 6:52 AM EDT, sent over 2m

don't know how much i owe now

winner winner June 21 2008 7:06 AM EDT

SK (Item Storage) Salvatore (Greneral Grievous) $2000000 7:05 AM EDT

50k left

winner winner June 21 2008 7:06 AM EDT

SK (Item Storage) Salvatore (Greneral Grievous) $50000 7:06 AM EDT

00 June 21 2008 7:08 AM EDT

done deal, now for the BoM when it comes out of rentals, for 700k.

winner winner July 1 2008 10:36 AM EDT

BoM deal is off.

00 July 1 2008 10:43 AM EDT

<SK> you here?
<SK> i sent you 300k
Error: no PM target specified
=> SK why shouldnt i be mad you idiot
=> SK you signed a PR stating you were going to sell me an itwem and you didn't
<SK> I still will, I was just asking if you would do that
=> SK i dont want it
<SK> then why are you so pissed?
=> SK just because you slipped up and made a (edit) deal, you want to get out of the transdaction
=> SK its crap
<SK> I slipped up?
<SK> i didn't slip up
=> SK yea when you made the deal with me, you named a price that was far too low, and when you realised it, you wanted out
<SK> it wasn't low at the time
=> SK and thats too bad for you now isnt it
=> SK you better watch wqho you screw, cause it will come back and bite ya in the (edit)
=> SK you should be tahnkfull im not being a (edit) and binding you to that PR, which is what i should be doing
<SK> what are you going to do?
=> SK im not going to do anything
=> SK im just stating fact, if you screw someone, it can get you into trouble
<SK> how did I screw you?
=> SK ummm
=> SK you made a deal with me that was bad on your end, and when you realised it you backed out of it
<SK> want me to send another 400k to you?
=> SK no, i dont want your money lol
<SK> then I'll still be losing the same amount
=> SK not exactly
=> SK i dont want the money
=> SK the item was more important
<SK> <MustangSal> i dont want it
=> SK thats because i have no desire to make a transaction with you ever again ;)
<SK> why not?
=> SK are you that oblivious?
<SK> did I scam you?
<SK> no i don't think i did
<SK> I never said I wasn't going to sell to you
<SK> i asked
=> SK you wanted a better price
=> SK and your not getting one from me, the deal was 700k, thats all its going to be from me
=> SK you decided you made a bad choice and couldnt live up to it
=> SK not my problem
<SK> actually it is
<SK> I never said that I was going to raise the price or not sell to you
=> SK how is it?
<SK> you were the one that said I don't want it
=> SK its not my problem dude
<SK> i still would have sold it to you
=> SK for more money
=> SK obv, you were asking for more money and i didnt wanna do it
<SK> there was no way I could have gotten more money from you without you agreeing
<SK> so?
<SK> I still would have sold it
=> SK and said no
<SK> for 700k
<SK> when did I say no?
=> SK you didnt want to sell it to me
<SK> yeah, your right
<SK> i didn't
=> SK i know im rtight
<SK> but I still would have
=> SK thats alright, you keep your item
<SK> It didn't matter what I want
=> SK but its shows your character by doing what you did
<SK> wanna know something?
<SK> I bet anyone thats a seller would have done that
=> SK i doubt it'
=> SK highly
<SK> JS?
=> SK CB isnt full of 13 year olds, the majority are men
<SK> haha
<SK> there isn't a single 13 year old playing CB
=> SK you sure do act 13
<SK> hmm?
<SK> what did I do that makes me look like I act like 13?
=> SK any decent person would stick to their guns
=> SK you made a bad deal and then you wanted out
<SK> yeah, I would have
<SK> you don't get it
=> SK i know i undersold my char to you, i didnt back out
<SK> I would have sold it to you for 700k
<SK> lol?
<SK> find a person that would have bought it for more
=> SK then why did you send me CMs asking for a better price and then giving me money so you can keep the item?
<SK> maybe because I wanted to keep it
=> SK exactly
=> SK im dont with this conversation
<SK> you really don't get my point
=> SK i said im done, and you have to point
=> SK no8
<SK> 700k*
=> SK then why didnt you?
<SK> <MustangSal> i dont want it
<SK> I still will
=> SK why did you send me 300k to keep it?
<SK> <MustangSal> i dont want it
=> SK i told you i dont want to, i dont want to make another transaction with you again
=> SK ever
<SK> you typed that and I sent you the 300k
<SK> then don't
=> SK i wont
=> SK trust me
=> Trashcan its me Salvatore
<SK> and would there be a reason that I would need to make transaction with you?
=> Trashcan nope
=> SK nope
<SK> k
=> SK so it works out great
<SK> so I guess you can post the thread that the deals done
=> SK nah, waste of energy
<SK> SK, 10:36 AM EDTBoM deal is off.

winner winner July 1 2008 10:45 AM EDT

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