Where will I end up? (in Off-topic)

INDColtsFan18 June 16 2008 2:43 AM EDT

Today will put me at 2 weeks old on CB2.
MY current stats are:
Created June 02, 2008 (NUB until September 30)
Score / PR / MPR: 738,997 / 359,435 / 326,324
Battles Total 9,913
Challenged 9,913
Won 8,658

So, my question is, at my current pace where can i expect to end up at, MPR wise? I would love to hit 2million MPR, but im not sure if that is realistic being I only burn about 2-3 full sets of ba a day(at 9/20)+the 216 free ba.

Any advice is appreciated.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] June 16 2008 3:49 AM EDT

I think you could make that. Consistency trumps all else. Best of luck! Once you have your strat set up and you stop passing so many people so fast, focus on getting a high bonus fight list. That and a good clan do wonders!

TheHatchetman June 16 2008 9:21 AM EDT

with consistency, 2m is far too modest a goal. Especially with your BA coming for free, go for 6/20 :P

TheHatchetman June 16 2008 9:22 AM EDT

(6/20 is edging ever-so-close to 2.4m atm, so it will likely be 2.45by the time you get there)

Flamey June 16 2008 9:24 AM EDT

Better not beat me to it...

AdminG Beee June 16 2008 9:47 AM EDT

Flamey, doesn't everyone beat you to it ?

Tyriel [123456789] June 16 2008 10:07 AM EDT

To give you a bit of an idea:

I miss some of my BA, and I don't buy any (except the 1600 at the beginning), and I was around 500k MPR after 2 weeks.

Relic's character Toast had 1600 to start as well, and I assume he's using most/all of his BA, as well as buying some, and he's over 700k MPR at 2 weeks less a day.
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