Wanted: Someone to buy old supporter items. (in Services)

QBJohnnywas June 17 2008 5:56 PM EDT

I'm looking for somebody to buy some of the old supporter items for me in return for CB$.

I'd like two mage shields and a pair of Noldorins.

I'm not sure what the going rate for USD/CB$ is but name your CB$ price.

I can either do a pay plan or get a loan to pay you.

Thanks in advance!

QBJohnnywas June 17 2008 6:34 PM EDT

Thanks! Sorted!

mage shields. Drool.

Frost June 17 2008 6:36 PM EDT

you cant buy old supporter items anymore....

Frost June 17 2008 6:38 PM EDT

nvm you can
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