Age of Conan, anyone? (in Off-topic)

8DEOTWP June 17 2008 9:32 PM EDT

Anyone else playing?
I've just started, and it's very fun so far. I'm on the Blue Steel server.

"Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is an MMORPG based on the world of famed fantasy author Robert E. Howard. In Age of Conan, players enter Hyboria with thousands of their friends and enemies to live, fight, and explore the dark and brutal world of King Conan."

BrandonLP June 17 2008 9:36 PM EDT

I leveled a few characters to 30 and pretty much stopped playing due a combination of job promotion and lack of good pvp. Certain classes just absolutely dominate in pvp while others are left with little to nothing.

8DEOTWP June 17 2008 10:41 PM EDT

I suspect that because it is so new, much of the balancing will occur in upcoming patches. Or at least I hope so :)

DH June 17 2008 10:44 PM EDT

game is boring. i tried it. made me want to punch kittens...and i love kittens!

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] June 17 2008 10:47 PM EDT

PC? And P2P?

8DEOTWP June 17 2008 10:52 PM EDT

Like WoW.. without as much fantasy drama
PC/Xbox 360, I believe..
The fighting is more than 2, 2, 2, 3, 3.. there are 6 different kinds of directional attacks.. along with a ton of skills/spells/attacks.. etc.
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