My first Milestone (in Off-topic)

BootyGod June 23 2008 7:04 PM EDT

Well, I've finally done something I'm really proud of game wise. Like... Really. And hopefully it's only a few days before the next accomplishment...

Harbinger lvl 4,000,007

It's a ToE, if you were curious. I tried to get it to exactly 4 mil... But it didn't go so well.... As you can see :P

Also, just thought I'd record it, the current NW is 72,538,797 just for posterity's sake.

j'bob June 23 2008 7:09 PM EDT

ohhhh its vury nice!

Adminedyit [Superheros] June 23 2008 7:32 PM EDT

nice GW nice!!

BootyGod June 23 2008 7:43 PM EDT

OH! And congrats to Tyriel for passing the 4 mil just a little while ago! =D
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