Suggestions needed. (in General)

FuriousHobo July 6 2008 3:39 AM EDT

a few questions needed to be answered about my character.

Deciding whether or not if i should add AoL to my wall or AoAC.

Deciding whether or not to change my wall to an enchanter adding AS & EC (or AMF).

Any suggestions will be happily granted. :)

PearsonTritonRaveshaw July 6 2008 4:14 AM EDT

Which minion is your wall? I'm guessing Earresistable.
I would say an AoL with the matching gear (whatever that is, I forgot and I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment), because an AoAC is really only needed in the very high AC levels when it costs over a mil for +1 AC. And with this new spell of doom out, walls are pretty much nerfed.... to the max...
However I must say that I see massive problems in your strategy. Why do you have a BoTH, mageseeker and EC on your wall? (again assuming Earresistable is your wall) He can't use them to pretty much any effect due to base ST and DX.
Also, why do you have Helm's and a corn on BooBs? You should have archer equipment on her (assuming it is a her, lol) because you have junction trained. Junction makes the familiar wear the same equipment that the tattoo is on. So if the minion wears beleg's gloves, so will the familiar.

What would I do?
Ditch the wall. You have great equipment for a VA/BL minion teamed with an anti-mage archer.
Stick the corn on Are and train VA + enchant offense spell of your choice.
Train BL on Earresistable and give him a BoM or MgS, as well as any other strength enhancing equipment (or elven, if you choose to do that, however I wouldn't personally recommend it.)
Stick the Mageseeker on BooBs. The idea of giving the mageseeker to BooBs is so the familiar uses that to support Earresistable, and hopefully destroy any SG users before melee, along with any other pesky mages. Unlearn AMF.
You could learn another EO spell to make your team more versatile or add AS to keep them alive. Purchase archer equipment and give them to BooBs so the familiar will benefit from them.

Also, you don't need the Helm's gauntlets. That's for UC which you don't have. Helms are much more expensive than tulkas to upgrade, which is why people use tulkas on tanks that use weapons and not helm's.

I really hope you find this useful, and good luck with it. =)
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