Junction + MgS = Hal only? (in General)

TheHatchetman July 6 2008 3:46 PM EDT

Considering the fact that a junctioned MgS can really only be properly "abused" by tanks junctioning a MgS to a Hal, why not allow DD familiars to be able to junction them? This would create a choice on how to "abuse" junction with other high-end items... the junction minion could now only train 3 non-junction stats. HP, ST, and DX... But then they face encumbrance... so with the MgS, you've either wasted an entire minion's XP, solely on junction, or you can't whip out the ol 40b nw DBs and 20b nw NSC...

At the very least, removing the penalty from a Jig's UC seems about right on account the Jig isn't actually even equipping anything, just feeling the poositive effects of what his junction dude equips, no? :P

Just some thoughts.
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