New Player Question... Low MPR score (in New players)

bonnfyre47 July 7 2008 2:31 PM EDT

"Your Score is significantly lower than your Power.
This means that either you need to fight more
challenging opponents, or your strategy needs to
be optimized. Ask for suggestions in the New
Players chat room!"

Can a more experienced person please explain this to me when most of the people I go up against ---either I have a dead heat, or I lose to. What am I doing wrong?

Warbringer July 7 2008 2:40 PM EDT

I think it means that you need to raise your score.

VivaPinata July 7 2008 2:48 PM EDT

Your character is two jacks of all trades. Which is bad. Get each of them to focus on one thing and to do that one thing really well. Also a common mistake, if a minion has a DD spell (fireball, magic missle, cone of cold, ect.) and is equipped with a weapon, the minion will NEVER use the weapon. Thus, all the experience you have in DX and ST is wasted on that minion.

So... have a Mage who trains 1/2 experience in HP and the rest into your DD spell of choice. And/or have a Tank who trains in HP/ST/DX and then uses a melee and ranged weapon. No spells on the tank. No weapons on the mage. If you want to use a Offensive or Defensive enchantment, let the mage have it. But know that enchantments are only good against certain types of characters (EChains is good vs tanks but pointless against mages, AMField is only good against mages, but pointless against tanks, ect) while you could be using the same experience boosting damage and HP (which is good against everybody ;) Hope that helps.
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