Hi, I am Rerama (in New players)

rerama July 11 2008 9:29 AM EDT

This is my first day in playing this game.

I still do not understand much about this game. But a goal said I have to post anything here. So, here I am.

VivaPinata July 11 2008 9:37 AM EDT

Dude, no way mannn... me too! Except I'm not Rerama and I'm been here a tad longer. Just a tad. I totally did have that same goal though. I mean, we must be like twins or triplets or something! Whoohoo! Welcome to CB! Chat in chat. Beat some people up, throw Pokeballs at them to catch them. Have funsies :D

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] July 11 2008 2:18 PM EDT

Welcome to CB Rerama! It's okay if you don't understand it all right away, there's a lot to learn. Just take your time, have fun, etc. Asking questions in chat and using the Help! wiki in the upper left are invaluable too. Good luck!

Wizard'sFirstRule July 11 2008 5:22 PM EDT

welcome. and lets just say you have bigger problems if you understand the game completely as you complete this goal. :P
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