Tattoo Conversion (in General)

Charlie July 11 2008 6:26 PM EDT

I guess this will have been asked before and dissed before...
Hard to face giving up a big Lesser Tat for a low full Tat - could there be a conversion price??? (grovel)

iBananco [Blue Army] July 11 2008 6:28 PM EDT

Sell the lesser to the store for 16%. You can get a full tat at the same level for close to 20% if you find a seller.

TheHatchetman July 11 2008 6:34 PM EDT

there is no such thing as a big lesser tat. The goal is to find a 5k lesser to start with, and use that for 3-4 days until you can get a full tattoo well over your MTL for less than 20% of it's net worth. Due to the growth rate being half on a lesser, even the biggest of lessers are quickly made inferior. Even going from a 300k lesser tat to a base full tat is going to end up evening out at 600k lvl, and by the time the lesser reaches lvl 1m, the base full tat could have been at 1.4. Not so hard to face when ya put the numbers to it. ^_^

On an added note, lesser and full tats anywhere above 200k lvl and below 1.2m level seem to have about the same value atm, which is whatever the storekeeper is willing to pay.
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