Budget Help (in General)

BadFish July 14 2008 1:38 PM EDT

Now that I have a strategy in mind (see strategy help, general forums) I need help budgeting. I just came back from a 1.5 year break from cb and I don't really get the markets yet. Anyone who has read my strategy thread and knows what I'm shooting for, your help in figuring out how to get there would be appreciated. After all this is done, I'll be having a contest for all the folks who helped me out with my NCB and the prize will be nice! I promise!
So let the helping begin

BadFish July 14 2008 1:55 PM EDT


Now that I think about it, the topic is kind of misleading: I don't just need help budgeting money, but time as well.
What minions should I recruit first? How much should I spend? Which items are necessities and at what time? Should I be buying BA? Should I take out a loan? Finally, are there any tweaks to the strategy I currently have (read nemerizt's post to find out what i'm going for) that would help me get there faster/easier/cheaper/fun...ner...?

Conquest July 14 2008 2:06 PM EDT

You're in the same boat as myself. Been gone a long time and basically starting from scratch without a NUB. Some things that I have been doing for the last week...

1.) Only buy BA during exp hours. Without getting a huge loan buying BA as a broke NCB is just too costly.
2.) Rent an RoE and buy a big tat (payment plan or get a loan to purchase it) to use later.
3.) Unequip the RoE after spending your BA. Any battles won while defending don't yield additional exp and having an RoE equipped will almost ensure you won't win any battles to begin with. So equip that big tat you bought!
4.) The bigger the tat that you buy the longer you can use an RoE.
5.) Rent cheap and/or long-term items.

Dark Dreky July 14 2008 2:33 PM EDT

"Any battles won while defending don't yield additional exp"

I believe that statement is incorrect. Unless it was changed within the past few months... because I distinctly remember logging on with more XP than when I logged. This happened a few times, and every time I noticed that I had some "defensive wins".

BadFish July 14 2008 2:33 PM EDT

Battles won while defending, WHILE WEARING A ROE, do not yield the additional exp that the RoE would have provided had it been an offensive battle. You still get exp.

Dark Dreky July 14 2008 2:34 PM EDT

Other than that, I completely agree with all the points made here. =)

Conquest July 14 2008 2:38 PM EDT

Yes I was speaking directly about the RoE exp, not exp in general. =)

Dark Dreky July 14 2008 2:45 PM EDT

Oh wow. Didn't realize the response was that in depth... or maybe I should just learn how to read an entire thread. My apologies.

Welcome back Tetra! Fire up that NCB! =)

VivaPinata July 14 2008 10:19 PM EDT

A Combat Gi [1]
For sale by auctioneer
Ends in 23:11:10

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