when is the best time to train a new char? (in New players)

PREECEYpowpow July 15 2008 6:33 AM EDT

and what do u recomend?

Mirick July 15 2008 6:41 AM EDT

Do you mean a new minion or a whole new character?

If you mean minion then honestly I would decide on a strategy from the get-go and hire minions accordingly. It gets really expensive to hire new ones in later levels, although of course you'll also have more money to play with.

Mirick July 15 2008 6:42 AM EDT

You should read up on this page, if you haven't already:

It contains really useful information about some common strategies, some even including training guides with percentages and stuff.

Mirick July 15 2008 6:45 AM EDT

OK, I missed your question and I really wish this forum had an 'Edit' feature.

What to go with is completely up to you but there are some strategies that are both proven and fun, some more expensive than others.
I went with a strategy called EWTE which means Enchanter-Wall-Tank-Enchanter, a four-minion team. It relies on a single minion doing all the damage and the other three supporting him in different ways.

A popular choice right now seems to be a single minion archer which trains STR, DEX, HP and the skill Archery. Another single minion possibility is a Monk which relies on Evasion but it requires some specialized armor to be really good which will be too expensive for you right now.

Wizard'sFirstRule July 15 2008 6:49 AM EDT

UC armors should not be that expensive. There isn't much UC chars around, right? just wait for one to spawn in auction or someone sell-out. For now, just use rental if you want to train a monk. The advantage of a monk is that you don't have to spend money on weapons, only armor.

Wizard'sFirstRule July 15 2008 6:52 AM EDT

I see you are playing a heavy tank (big AC + weapons). There are several school of thoughts of when should you hire. You can hire early, at the later stage means you have 4 even minion - not a good thing because you won't have a big damage dealer. It can be overcomed by using a RoE, but you would rather have a tattoo levelled up. However, it is more powerful early on generally. The other way is to train a single minion, hit 6/20 BA regen, then hire as you see fit. The problem is that it would cost more (but NUB have a money bonus, so its not too bad), but there will be more XP into the bought minion + having a big guy with little friends which has less XP.
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