Noob needs help with xp training setup (in New players)

Br3ed July 18 2008 4:21 PM EDT

I have a 4 team thing going on and i was wondering of any ideas of how i should distrubute the xp?

My tank has just hp and phantom link 1/2 1/2 training
my 1st chanter has just guardian angel trained
my 2nd enchanter has ablav shield and dispel magic trained 1/2 1/2
and my mage has fireball and hp 2/3 1/3

Wizard'sFirstRule July 18 2008 5:17 PM EDT

I wouldn't worry about hp on your mage since you have AS, and esp if you have RoS as well.

Br3ed July 18 2008 5:49 PM EDT

ok ill try that

TheHatchetman July 18 2008 6:43 PM EDT

PL and GA don't work well together, as damage absorbed by PL is not considered in GA's retaliation. If you choose to keep PL, you can likely train a decent bit less of it.

You're also going a bit against yourself with Fireball. the DM/FB portion of your team emphasizes the quick kill. Meanwhile, the AS/PL/GA just are most efficiently used in longer battles.
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