gonza88 July 19 2008 7:31 PM EDT


TheHatchetman July 19 2008 8:39 PM EDT

tip #1: Caps lock is a no go.

tip #2: Specify a little better as to what kind of tips you're looking for. I, along with many others have no problems in helping anybody that wants or needs it. But if we're to help you start painting the picture, it would be nice if you could get a canvas :P Would you like to be a physical damage-dealing team (tank) or a magical damage-based team (mage). Would you like to go for the quick kill, and get as much done as possible in the earlier rounds, or bunker down and play it more defensive, holding off on the earlier rounds in favor of dominating the later rounds where teams designed for the quick kill aren't as prepaired?

tip #3: before training any spells, it may help to read the summary of spells/abilities that is available on the 'Train' page via the 'Ability descriptions' link

tip #4: Likely the most important of them all. CB is a specialized game that is easy to get sucked into if you're the type of person to be into this sort of game. But please, take careful note that it is a game. Not a career, a life, a mindset, but a game. Something to be enjoyed. So have fun! ^_^

More tips and information can be found in the CB wiki, via the 'Help!' link at the top left hand side of your sidebar. Again, there are many here in the forums and in chat that are happy to help. Finally, welcome to CB! ^_^

VivaPinata July 19 2008 10:26 PM EDT

Welcome to CB, Captain Anti-Shift Key :)

My addition to the advice is to chat. The chatbox at the bottom of the screen is one of the primary, imo, differences that makes CB a bunches better than most other browser games. Talk, talk, talk, win at life :P

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] July 19 2008 11:14 PM EDT

First, welcome to CB! Second, as far as tips- not sure what you're looking for exactly. CB is a game of patience, just keep at it. Experiment a little to see what works, have fun, always ask questions.

It looks like your team is built to try and be fast- so don't worry about your melee weapon very much and up your magic missile and bow as much as possible. With two Ablative shields being cast (hopefully of good size), have your tank concentrate on ST and mainly DX so he can actually hit stuff. A little antimagic field always helps too, maybe on the mage? Just try stuff!
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