Negative cash (in New players)

Mirick July 24 2008 9:23 AM EDT

Err, I apparently didn't realize how I little money I had when I put an item up for auction. The cost of the auction was 25k and I'm now at -10k total cash. I have nothing I can sell to the store for that much except a L-ToA and I can't fight the money back because my minions won't heal.

What do I do? :(

TheHatchetman July 24 2008 9:34 AM EDT

sent you a couple bucks that should put ya back into the positives. For future reference though, selling items, or earning the cash by fighting on another char are the only way clear that up without transfers. Although, it's not hard to find a few bucks by asking in chat when you find yourself in this situation (although, it likely doesn't come up very often :P)

Mirick July 24 2008 9:38 AM EDT

Oh, thanks so much, man. I'll send it back when I get home.

And thanks for the warning.

Mirick July 24 2008 1:43 PM EDT

Sent it back, thanks for the loan. :)

SimplyNic July 24 2008 2:00 PM EDT

Yar ya need to watch your monies.

VivaPinata July 24 2008 2:19 PM EDT

Or else you run the risk of not being able to "get more" BA, no matte how free it is. xD

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 24 2008 2:38 PM EDT

question is, why was he able to put an item up for auction without sufficient money to pay the fee?
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