Hello all (in New players)

aryth July 28 2008 3:27 PM EDT

I just started and I think i am getting the hang of this slowly. I made a 4 minion team and then i made a single mage for fun. Whats funny is the single mage seems much stronger than my other team, but I suppose all the exp going to a single person makes a large impact on that.

I goofed around with forging before i realized my actions (most of which were not accomplishing anything, according to my dwarf friend) were leeching my BA.

Right now I am trying to get some tattoos, but just lack the money to get them on the auction house. I'll have my mage earn some money when my BA renews itself.

Anyway, this seems like a fun game and I hope to have fun with it.

BadFish July 28 2008 3:46 PM EDT

yeah it does seem like you're catching on fairly quickly. Hopefully you have a good time here like the rest of us do :D

VivaPinata July 28 2008 7:31 PM EDT

Single mages tend top work very well starting off. Strategically, It is just hard to "miss" with the SFBM. With more minions, you become more balanced (and less vulnerable to different strategies) at the cost of losing simplicity. Start getting more minions after you start figuring things out. ;)

Forging is silly if you do it in the first six months.

O_o You're in Battle Royal II! /me jealous.

You can get more BA (210) once daily with the link next to your current BA, btw.

And you will have fun :P
Welcome to the Carnage!

Eighth July 29 2008 1:21 AM EDT

Cool. You already know so much on your first day.=)

I recommend going to the "Contests" part of the forums to get some CB$ to start building your character with.=)

aryth July 29 2008 2:39 AM EDT

I finally managed to beat the last guy it asked me to under my "goals" and only have to rent something from another player now. I'll probably do that just to get it out of the way later.

Is the person you have to fight for your last goal just another random player? I had to fight Nees, and he looks as though he was a player two weeks ago and just stopped logging in.

Yeah, I stopped forging after I made a sling 1x2(+1) and a few cloak(+1)s for my minions. Thats when I noticed I didnt have 250 BA anymore.

Gonna spend the rest of my BA and hit the hay. Gonna earn some more money tomorrow then try to get a fire familiar tattoo I think. I lost the auction for it today so maybe I will get lucky tomorrow if it makes an appearance.

SimplyNic July 29 2008 2:51 AM EDT

:D Welcome to this side of insanity. Enjoy your stay

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] July 29 2008 5:11 AM EDT


VivaPinata July 29 2008 7:52 AM EDT

I think your target "goalie" might just be a random person. I never thought about it much myself, on account of being too a'scared of looking silly... >_>

As for renting, I recommend renting a Helm of Clearsight. Preferably one without too much networth, or the cheapest one you can find. HoCs give you one extra round that your opponents don't get, and I think of mine as a necessity. :D

Mirick July 30 2008 1:45 AM EDT

Unless I'm grossly mistaken, Archery doesn't affect slings which makes your skill on Blizzard wasted.

Also, I sent you a gift! Sell it or keep it. :)

DSFARGEG July 30 2008 4:12 PM EDT

Welcome to Secret Agent Clan, if you need any help, please ask me or your mentor.

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