The July 29th Daily Newbie Blender (XX) erm..Quiz! (in Contests)

VivaPinata July 29 2008 12:54 PM EDT

The Daily Newbie Blender. EASY MONEY.
$50,000 bounty for three complete answers.
$40,000 bounty for three acceptable answers.
$30,000 bounty for two* acceptable answers.
$20,000 bounty for an attempt at one answer.
$10,000 bounty for any sort of indication that you are read this and that you are making some sort of effort, regardless of how lackluster, to give me an answer.
$100,000+ daily** jackpot bounty for one assiduous contestant who goes above and beyond the call to arms. This will be everything on "2 Kool 4 Skool."


Take a sit, grab a drink. Put it on my tab. Everything you have read is true. All I want to do is ask you three questions. If you answer them, you get money. Simple as that. You do not even have to try, really. Hell, just send me a chatmail with '1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Yes.' and you are guaranteed to get at least an easy $10,000. I figure, absolutely, the least I can do for listening to me so far.

Still interested? Even curious perhaps? Why am I doing what I say I am doing? What AM I doing exactly? What is the catch? Here, I will even answer your questions first. If you could care less, just zone me out to the very end. Then I will ask you the three fabled questions. Chatmail me the answers. No strings attached. And thus, the story begins.

Why? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Due to the reception of the previous Daily Newbie Blenders, I figured that this format would help out more people. More bang for the buck, I think the old saying goes.

What? This is (not the fourth) installment of the Daily Newbie Blender, a daily contest designed to help newblets help themselves. I give out cute rewards freely, and all I ask for in return is a bit of socializing or wiki-foraging. If you have found the forums, wonderful. If you have met the community, even better. If you find that special tidbit that makes CB that game you keep returning to again and again, then hey! Sweet. And all I am doing is providing the next prong on the ladder to heaven.

Seriously? Yeah. There is some tiny rules though: first, each contestant can only win the jackpot once. Second, the bounties are curved in favor of the $40,000 bounty. Thirdly, although the daily jackpot CAN be won once daily, it does not mean that it WILL be won every day. Only an exceptional set of answers will be rewarded the pot (and if it is their first attempt, the $50,000 bounty as well!), and the jackpot will just slowly accumulate (something along the lines of +40k daily) until then. And that is about it. Good luck!

A heartfelt thanks to all of the Past Contributors!!
superior me

And, naturally, the DAILY QUESTIONS.
1. What is a Vorpal Blade?
2. What is the name of my biggest character?
3. About the answer to number 2, what am I doing wrong (if anything)?

Current Jackpot:
Cash: $140,114
Net Worth: $5,946
Random assortment of weapons/tattoo or, thanks to everybody outbidding me, nothing....

Best of luck as always! :D

Br3ed July 29 2008 1:26 PM EDT

1. What is a Vorpal Blade? Base Damage : 67
Ignores 50% of effective AC and Endurance, Does not spawn in stores. (Supporter item) , Also referred to as a VB.
One-handed , Short Edged Weapon
2. What is the name of my biggest character? Lloviendo
3. About the answer to number 2, what am I doing wrong (if anything)? U just have HP trained while trying to use Magic Missle, a Mageseeker, and a weapon all at once. you should stick to melee/ranged or just magic. having all 3 will gimp you.

VivaPinata July 29 2008 1:30 PM EDT


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