Inspect Idea (in General)

Xiaz on Hiatus July 31 2008 12:51 PM EDT

I've always wondered why you have the ability to inspect a character and basically see what strategy they are using, down to each spell, stat and equipment.

Wouldn't it better if this information was hidden - or you had the option to hide it. Wouldn't it make the game more competitive? My opinion is it would make it more interesting, but it's just a basic idea.

It's like playing an RTS and having the whole map visible - you can see what strategy your opponent is using and counter it appropriately. If indeed CB is a rock-papper-scissors game, hiding character stats might make things more challenging.

I can see the argument that it makes it harder to 'select' opponents - but a simple fight would suffice.

What do you think?

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] July 31 2008 12:56 PM EDT

Honestly, I think that's a horrible idea. I really like CB the way it is right now.

INDColtsFan18 July 31 2008 12:58 PM EDT

You would still be able to find out a lot spells/skills just from the post battle logs.
I don't think it is very necessary and I highly doubt Jon will change it.

Yukk July 31 2008 12:58 PM EDT

Ahh, but you can't see whether they have 6M levels of FB and 10k of DM or is their strat based about 6M levels of DM and a 10k FB ?
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