Dexterity help (in General)

Classicriminal August 5 2008 6:27 PM EDT

Does dexterity influence your magic and bows/weapons, or just the latter?

Lord Bob August 5 2008 6:29 PM EDT

Just weapons. Magic is unaffected by physical stats.

Obscurans August 5 2008 6:30 PM EDT

Magic always hits once per round it can actually cast (Magic Missile and Fireball: every round; Cone of Cold, Decay, Shocking Grasp: melee rounds; everything gets an extra ranged round if Helm of Clearsight equipped).

The ratio of (your dexterity to the target's dexterity) * base hit chance (see battle display) adds to your chance to hit, up to a maximum of (100% + base hit chance).

So no, just the latter.

Lord Bob August 5 2008 6:54 PM EDT

"The ratio of (your dexterity to the target's dexterity) * base hit chance (see battle display) adds to your chance to hit, up to a maximum of (100% + base hit chance)."

This part applies to weapons only.

Classicriminal August 8 2008 1:25 AM EDT

Alright, thanks very much guys
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