have your say i know u want and will :P (in General)

Ancient Anubis August 24 2008 2:31 AM EDT

hello their fellow cbians just a few more ideas for u guys to pick apart.

No 1

We talk about the effort used to build up a team and the dedication of the players behind it so i was thinking lets reward that. We've had a few people hit high number of battle wins eg 1mil so i was thinking how about make the character itself give 1% leadership for every 100,000 battles won to his team of minions?

No 2

I was thinking about the role of evasion and dx in this game. Evasion seems to me the ability to reflectively dodge a blow and dx is like an endurance stamina type speed. I was also thinking the rounds were awfully rigid and was the reason melee tanks were having trouble being of any use.

so i was thinking :P

Picture this 2 character teams entering an arena and their 6 spaces apart. Now instead of staying stationary lets make dx determine how quickly a character will close the gap between him and the opposition. if your dx is say 100 times greater than the opponents then the ranged attacker may only get 1 attack out before havin to comfront a melee attacker then evasion or reflex dx kicks in and its an all out fight between spell and sword.

Oh and ranged weapons are extremely penalised for use in melee rounds.

also we have 30 rounds so why allow anyone to hit more than once per round a round is one attack in my opinion. This would make battles more fluid in their approach. And yes the highest dx characters will fight first snd the winner can pick of the rest or be defeated by possibly another damage dealer. Remove pth and x on weapons and make their secondary ability be whats gained by adding + to it like all the other gear and st becomes the sole decider on damage dealt just like dd spell size. And yes u want a wall you'll have to train it with hp and dx and make its dx higher than your damage dealer it confronts the opposition first before your next damage dealer reaches the fight.

And another thing if u have like an archer or spell caster with less dx then your wall u can still attack but the chance of hitting your own wall is increased the closer he gets to the battle.

No 3.

Basic pictures on the character display page with circles pointing to areas on the body and whcich display the armour equipped. U get to choose the colour of the armour if its named otherwise the armour is a grey colour. :)

8DEOTWP August 24 2008 3:00 AM EDT

Leadership for battles is cool. You'd have to start the counter fresh though.. No rewarding for past feats.
Uhmm.. cool ideas 8)

Wizard'sFirstRule August 24 2008 3:24 AM EDT

1. lets turn CB into a feeding frenzy. I will pay to have my battle won stats boosted. let's trick new players into attacking us and pay them like $50 a battle.
2. very complex coding, and something will still be broken regardless of what happens. It is near impossible to have everything good.
3. cosmetic change, but I like it.

Tyriel [123456789] August 24 2008 4:23 AM EDT

"1. lets turn CB into a feeding frenzy. I will pay to have my battle won stats boosted. let's trick new players into attacking us and pay them like $50 a battle."

Having it based on battles challenged would remedy that problem. I like the idea, though. Give at least a *tiny* advantage to vets, since they currently have no real advantage over new players (and might be worse off, thanks to the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of the NUB). I'm sure a <12% bonus to a character's PTH and damage wouldn't break the game more than some things already do break it. :P

Wizard'sFirstRule August 24 2008 5:09 AM EDT

oh sure. battle challenged is fine by me. I like my 3% leadership. :P
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