Tattoos not inking (in General)

Mandala September 6 2008 3:17 PM EDT

Yes i've been trying to put a tattoo on my minion and its not letting me ink it. It pops up and says webpage cannot be displayed.

winner winner September 6 2008 3:19 PM EDT

do you have a tattoo that you're trying to ink to?

Mandala September 6 2008 3:35 PM EDT

Well nvm i figured out the problem. I thought i had to use the tattoo artist to put them on my minion. From that u can see that i only had to equip it to the minion. lol sry about the hassle.

BadFish September 6 2008 3:36 PM EDT

That strikes me as a sweet idea. Having to ink your tattoo onto a minion, and having it be permanent.

OBVIOUSLY! there would have to be some serious balance discussions before it was implemented, i GET THAT, you don't have to tell me that, because I know already. It's just a cool idea.
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