Opinion finding:ToE Over Powered or Damage Crap? (in General)

King September 6 2008 7:23 PM EDT

With the recent changes making tanks lose over 50% their damaging capabilities I'm wondering what peoples views are on this subject.

Is the ToEs ability to reduce all damage taken to 25% of what it could have been doing the problem or is it the inability to break the cap of the ever growing average level of tats in use even with the largest weapons with the highest strengths fault?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 6 2008 7:29 PM EDT

some from column A some from column B...

Damage stinks, and the ToE needs a redesign.

Zaekyr September 6 2008 7:45 PM EDT

I don't think there is a problem with the ToE at all.I think the damage reduction was over the top.I think just reducing physical damage 1/3 would have been fine.But now the Big thing won't be the ToE cause that was reduced too.The worst thing I think will be the battle between AS and DM and I think without DM ,,AS will become unbeatable.
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