Jig at the tat artist (in General)

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] September 9 2008 10:40 AM EDT

So, since the jig was changed so you can ink your tats to it... why hasn't it been added to auctions? Since the new change to the tat artist I would think that it would be nice to have them spawn as base tattoos as well otherwise we will just ink our tats to them and lose out on more Jigs in the economy...

Lord Bob September 9 2008 11:22 AM EDT

That would defeat the purpose of selling them for USD as supporter items in the special store.

BluBBen September 9 2008 11:47 AM EDT

We are able to get old supporter items for 11$ each nowdays...

Cube September 9 2008 12:01 PM EDT

So did having them for inking. Man, could've made so much money if you inked a ton of base tats to Jigs before the change.

I'd be fine with either way though auctions or buying, but an answer as to if anything will be done or not would be nice.
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