Why dont we add the RoE to the Rentals. In the armor section or something.
Lord Bob
September 23 2008 10:14 AM EDT
Tattoo rental was removed long ago.
I barely consider a RoE a tatoo. i'm not saying lets put all tats in rentals just the RoE.
September 23 2008 10:58 AM EDT
the RoE is becoming a standard, and thats sad....
most of the reason tats were removed from rentals are no longer valid, i say add em all back in!
September 23 2008 12:39 PM EDT
I'm with dudemus on this one :)
i would ask only for the RoE to be added to rentals, not all tattoos. the reason would be that if you were allowed to place for rent a tattoo which someone else would pay to rent and they level your tattoo for you through fights. it would become a farming system. unless that tattoo's current lvl was frozen from accumilating or being re inked.
September 23 2008 1:49 PM EDT
If it was frozen from growing, it'd be perfect.
yeah i agree with nonsense.
mtl keeps you from using a tat that is too large, so why would growth be a problem exactly?
also, i can send a tat to someone now and they can grow it for me, how would rentals be different? i know it would probably be cheaper, but it can be done now regardless.
also, there are serious downsides to trying to use rentals for tat growing. if someone rents it who has a mtl lower than the tat, then it wouldn't grow during that whole rental period or someone could rent it who just doesn't fight that much.
if you truly wanted someone to grow your tat and your goal was to maximize it, you would likely do it the same way you can now, through temporary transfers or by fighting with it yourself.
what tattoo rentals can add to the game, is the ability to try out tats for strategies which we have largely lost with recent tat artist changes.
September 23 2008 11:53 PM EDT
I just find it misleading to lend tattoos to newbies because it's making you money, while they are missing out on getting and leveling their own tattoo.
i think most people would and do tell new users to get their own, non-lesser tat asap.
with that being said, in my opinion that downside is outweighed by having easy access to rental tats to try out and make a better choice.
if we can't get tats in rentals, i think we need tats added as fixed items in the armor store for a fair price.
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